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Sago Khichadi (Marathi: Sabudana Khichadi)

Description   This is a tasty dish that is easy to make and my children like it a lot. By and large, women folks (usually in the rural region are good in making this dish) ... but this is recipe is simple to make and can be done by male duds like me :) I have observed that lot of people especially young children like it. This is best enjoyed as a breakfast or evening snack especially in the rainy or winter season. This is something that I have learnt from my mother and then enhanced on it by reading through some recipes on famous sites. If you have some friends/relatives (especially in-laws) visiting you for breakfast/evening snacks then don't make your maiden attempt... it can BOUNCE and go very very wrong. ;).  While serving, you should serve this HOT and garnish with cut coriander leaves. Put fresh lemon pieces and a tablespoon of curd into the plate. Preparation Time (mins) : 60mins Cooking Time (mins) : 45mins Yield/Servings : 10-12 servin...

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